Fashion Child

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Available at the Baby 'R' and US coming soon

Chimanda Adichie wins US National Book Critics Circle Award

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Renowned Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie yesterday March 13th won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction for her third novel about race and identity, Americanah.

The prize, which is chosen by 600 book critics and editors from major publications, is among the most prestigious literary recognitions in the world.

The award was presented to her yesterday at a function in Manhattan, USA. Congrats to her. Meanwhile the book was also shortlisted for the Bailey's Women Fiction Prize.

The Top Five Characteristics Of A Healthy Relationship

Thursday, October 3, 2013

If you haven’t had much chance to see how healthy, loving relationships work on a daily basis, taking some time to really study the characteristics of healthy relationships can give you a much better chance of having one yourself. There are lots of different styles of relationships that can work just fine, but all those successful relationship styles tend to have a few things in common.


Respect is the one of the main characteristics of a healthy relationship, whether it’s friendship, dating, or marriage. A partner who respects you is willing to listen to you in a non-judgmental way and considers your interests when making any mutual decisions. Any partner who disrespects you by making belittling comments about you, criticizing you in front of others, or disregarding your feelings is one you don’t need.


After respect, support comes in next as a critical characteristic of a healthy relationship. You and your partner should be encouraging each other to go after important goals and dreams and giving each other enough freedom to do so. When times get hard, you back each other up instead up tearing each other down.

That doesn’t mean you can expect support for everything you do, though. If your partner is nagging you to quit smoking, eat better, or not stay at the office until 11 o’clock every night, they’re probably doing it out of concern for your well being. 


In a strong, healthy relationship, neither of you should become suspicious or jealous without clear cause. If you have a niggling feeling that you can’t trust your significant other, your relationship will go downhill fast.

That sense of trust doesn’t develop overnight, though. It comes from each partner keeping their promises and sticking to the implicit rules of the relationship (no sleeping around, no lying about major issues, etc.) consistently over a period of time. 

No manipulative behavior!

Negotiating is one thing, using threats, guilt, and lies to manipulate a partner into doing something is another. No one should have to put up with being bullied this way. If your partner threatens to leave you, withhold physical affection, or in some other way “punish” you during every little disagreement, you may want to reconsider the relationship.

Economic equality!

This is one of the less obvious ones, but it’s just as important as the others. Some people, maybe due to an underlying fear of not being able to support themselves, tend to get into relationships where they’re financially dependent on their partner.

At first, the idea of having someone support you might sound nice, but what happens if things turn sour? If you don’t have the financial wherewithal to leave the relationship when you want, you could find yourself at the mercy of someone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Never let your partner use money to control you.

There are dozens of characteristics of a healthy relationship, but these are some of the most important ones. Remember, though, it’s a two way street. You may be doing everything “right,” but if your partner is disrespectful, unsupportive, or manipulative, you can’t call it a healthy relationship.

Indonesian Vruće Glumica

Vrlo razumno Isto tako, ako jepoza se koristi samo kao osobnu potrošnju . Pa što ako je toširenje osobnih fotografija u javnost ?
Indonesian vruće glumica usudio među ljude , vidjeti neke od fotografija :
  • Tika Putri

Foto seksi mlada glumica Tika Putri slično kruži na internetu u 2010 . Tika ležerno odgovorio jer nikada nosio kupaći kostim posing za kameru . Tika priznao je 20 godina, žene koje nose narančastu i crni bikini u uzrokuje širenje nije bio on . Prema njegovim riječima , fotografije su samo promijenjene . ' Queen Bee ' Movie Stars je otkrila , postoje ljudi koji su namjerno ga poremetiti . On također smatra da ljudi koji manipuliraju fotografiju je također napravio lažni Facebook račun koristi njegovo ime . Iako Tika je negirao da je to bio on , ali slike mogu napraviti scenu .
  • Julia Perez

Julia Perez nije spriječilo napraviti senzaciju . Nakon što je pozirala kao potencijalni kandidata Pacitan vice regent u 2010 , seksi fotografija pojavljuje se na Twitteru . Na fotografiji , Julia Perez srednje djelujući kao DJ . Nosila je srebrnu outfit koji je vrlo minimalan , njezino tijelo je jasno vidljiv . I ne samo to , još jedna fotografija je također u optjecaju . Julia Perez poza za predizbornu kampanju Pacitan verziji . Na fotografiji , Julia Perez gola prsa s rižino polje pozadini . Začudo , iako je impresivna za kampanju , koja je u prilogu fotografije Julia Perez jako seksi . Julia Perez samo nosio crvenu krpu omotan oko struka do stopala . Kao i za pokrivanje grudi , to samo koristi ruku .
  • Dewi Persik

Na kraju 2010 , Dewi Persik nestašan slika kruži na internetu . Goddard je također priznao da je njegova fotografija . U tim fotografijama ,bivša supruga Jamil Saipul činilo se bez odjeće . Dewi Persik vidjeti samo pokriti prsima kosu . Vlasnik ljulja pilu je tvrdio da jefotografija snimljena dok je bio u make - up sobu u uredu Republike Ljubav upravljanje pripada Ahmad Dhani . U to vrijeme , on je radio na videoisječku .
  • Sheila Marcia

Sheila Marcia je također bio pod utjecajem djelovanja nestašan , nestašan fotografiju gužve raspravljalo na internetu je počeo u 2008 . Postoji 5 komada fotografije snimljene u studiju . Peti fotografija pokazujeseksi Sheila pozira s odjeće koje su previše škrt . Sheila viđena samo grudnjak i vruće hlačice tenk motiv . Sheila također tvrdi da jeizvorna fotografija , a ne inženjering . Sheila slučajno uzeo sliku u foto- shoot promo proizvodnja Film House poznatom fotografijom . Ali nekakopriča mogla biti proširena fotografiju . U novije vrijeme , previše , Sheila nestašan fotografije natrag razbacane . Prije braka s Kiki Mirano 29. travnja 2011, Sheila nestašan fotografije izložene ovaj problem . U jednoj od fotografija , Sheila pozira s muškarcem . Čovjek drži ženine kukove od iza kao što rade scene seksa . Međutim , oba potpuno odjevena . U međuvremenu , u drugoj fotografiji ,žena na slici s Sheila sličan druga dva . Poza bilo manje nestašni nego prethodne fotografiju .
  • Syahrini

Nedavno širiti Syahrini nestašan fotografije i njezina sestra , Aisyahrani na internetu . U jednoj od fotografija pojavljuje Syahrini se obasuo pjene koja pokriva svoje tijelo . Syahrini također viđen pozira s tri muškarca Vj Daniel je jedan od njih . U stvari , čini se da se i dalje Daniel Syahrini dojke . U međuvremenu , u drugoj fotografiji , Syahrini vidjeti pozira na krevetu . Ona izgleda seksi nosio plavu donje rublje . Neke fotografije pokazuju Syahrini sestru i menadžer, Aisyahrani . U stvari , Rani slike izgledale bold . Rani izgledala ljubiti čovjeka na madrac .

Versace Couture

Saturday, September 28, 2013


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