Elliott Wright and Ricky Rayment have a blazing row as they fail to reconcile their differences on TOWIE

Monday, March 24, 2014

Jessica Wright and Ricky Rayment's attempt to get her family to accept their relationship ended in a blazing row on TOWIE.
On Sunday's episode, Ricky came to blows with Jessica's relatives as they met at a boxing match scheduled between Elliott and Lewis Bloor. 
Jess, 27, and Ricky, 22, arranged the meeting to try to convince Jess's family that their relationship is serious.
Passionate: Ricky Rayment has a row with his girlfriend Jessica Wright's cousin Elliott on TOWIE
Passionate: Ricky Rayment has a row with his girlfriend Jessica Wright's cousin Elliott on TOWIE

Ricky also brought along his mother and father for some moral support. 

But tensions escalated into a a fierce exchange of words between Ricky and Elliott, which ended in the parties leaving the event on just as bad terms as before.
The meeting got off to a good enough start with a warm exchange of greetings.
But then, Jessica's mother Carol said that Ricky was a 'lovely little boy' before correcting herself and saying he was a 'lovely boy'.
There has been long-standing tension on the issue of whether Ricky is too young and immature for Jessica, with the couple resenting intrusion from Jessica's family and her cousin Elliott.

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